The 5th edition of Papay Gyro Nights Art Festival (PGNAF) Hong Kong 2015 and FixC cooperative present an on-line exhibition of animated GIF's:
第五屆巴比齋魯之夜北歐藝術節(巨大娘節)(PGNAF)將於2015年3月6 ﹣20日 在香港舉行,其後整年將繼續於國際間巡迴。「海洋」交流節目是PGNAF與FixC 機構的合作計劃。
OCEAN (place, action, philosophy, folklore)
海洋 (地方,行動,哲學,民俗)
“...Become like water my friend.” - Bruce Lee
“Smooth space is filled by events or haecceities, far more than by formed and perceived things. It is a space of affects, more than one of properties. It is haptic rather than optical perception. Whereas in striated forms organize a matter, in the smooth materials signal forces and serve as symptoms for them. It is an intensive rather than extensive space, one of distances, not of measures and properties." - Gilles Deleuze. The Smooth and the Striated
「充滿一個平滑空間(Smooth space)的往往是不同事件或存在的個體,而非有形 及可感知的事物。這是一個充滿影響力的空間,擁有多於一種的特性。它是觸
覺感知而非視覺感知的。而在褶縐空間(Striated space)中,平滑物料傳遞力 量,形成像症狀般的訊號,再由形式組成物質。這個空間是密集而非廣闊的;有 廣大距離的,而不是可計量的、充滿特性的。」-吉爾·德勒茲The Smooth and the Striated
OCEAN, as a theme, is not a limitation, but an opportunity to desolve borders and boundaries, to"become like water", to submerge a rigid landmass, to look at OCEAN as a way of action, philosophical paradigm, world of folklore, post-human ecology, or as a mass of water
流動」,甚至能像海洋將大地淹沒。「海洋」就是一大片流動的水,同時是行動 的方法;是哲學的範例;民俗的世界;後人類的生態。
View artworks by clicking the artists name:
Anne Horell
Cordula Ditz
Genetic Moo
Collettivo Carmine
Gabriela de Seta
Gretta Louw
Jarkko Räsänen
Juha van Ingen
Kari Yli-Annala
Kim Asendorf
Max Capacity
Michaël Borras A.K.A Systaime
Ryo Ikeshiro
Santtu Mustonen
Seppo Renvall
55th edition of Papay Gyro Nights Art Festival is taking place 6 - 20 March 2015 in Hong Kong and through the year will be continued as an international
touring and exchange programme.
FixC is a Helsinki based artists cooperative
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